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Got an idea you'd like to share with us? We'd love to hear it! Anyone can post on this board, but if you can, please search first to check if your idea has already been posted.
Flag repeated words and phrases

Novlr could scan the manuscript and find repeated words or word combinations for review while weeding out uses of articles, conjunctions, 'be' verbs, etc. This would be helpful to avoid 58 accidental repetitions of phrases such as 'inner goddess.'

Separate Dictionaries for different projects

I often have specialist terminology and names in a book which I want to make sure are correct and consistent. Novlr's ability to add these words to a dictionary is almost perfect. Except that the words I define for one book (or series) should be spelling errors or typos in a different book.

I would love to have the ability to have different custom dictionaries for different projects.

I have been searching forever for a writing tool which offers this feature, and so far not found any!

Character Sheets

An input form with the option to upload a picture and enter information about your character(s). The example I am basing this off is coming from Novel Factory. Something like that would help to flesh out characters prior to writing a new story.
It could be expanded over time with locations and a section for the worldbuilding related history.

Copy selected text over when creating nested chapters

I use temporary nested chapters to work on scenes in isolation, and I always copy over some text for context. It would be neat if I could make a nested chapter out of some text I selected in the parent chapter. ✌️
Something like "Split chapter", but for nested chapters.

Include notes in backups
Under consideration

We don't currently back up (or export) notes, so it would be good to add this as an optional toggle.

Import file name as title
Under consideration

Currently, our import will default to Untitled, and the date of import. If a document already has a title, it would be good to have that title imported directly without having to manually rename it.

Publisher-ready manuscript export
Under consideration

When exporting to .docx (but not EPUB) writers would like to follow the style guide for submitting to publishers. This would mean changing chapter headings so they are centred, defaulting to double line spacing, and adding a header with the author's surname, book title and the page number in all caps (e.g. SURNAME/BOOK TITLE/PAGE 2).

Selectable paragraph spacing
Under consideration

The spacing between paragraphs is currently 1.5 lines so that paragraph breaks are clear for writers with both global indents on and off. Some writers would like to either toggle this on or off or, alternatively, have the paragraph spacing tied to indentation. i.e. no spacing with intents turned on, and extra spacing with indents turned off.

Text to speech
Under consideration

Integrate text-to-speech so writers can hear their work read out loud from directly inside Novlr. Useful for editing, and for additional accessibility.

User-created templates

Ad repository of templates for plot developement, character development, and worldbuilding built by the community. Writers can share these, and they would be searchable from inside the app for use directly in your Novlr project.

Worldbuilding tools
Under consideration

Include more tools in Novlr for the planning and developmental stages of writing, including worldbuilding tools. These could include:

  • Integrated templates
  • Wiki-style note linking
  • A series bible
  • A timeline feature
  • Image-supported notes

Let us know what essential worldbuilding looks like for you in Novlr!

Add date created to project metadata

You can currently filter your projects by date created, but it would be useful to see the date created as part of the project metadata for the exact date of creation.

Substack style Content Emails
Under consideration

Integrating a Substack-style content delivery mechanism into Novlr would offer writers an additional avenue to share their work and connect with readers. Here's why it could be valuable and what it might allow you to do:

Direct audience connection:

  • Create and manage subscriber lists within the familiar Novlr environment

  • Tailor your content for different reader groups

  • Keep in touch with your audience through updates or personalized messages

Potential for earnings:

  • Explore subscription models for your content if you choose

  • Offer a mix of free and paid content to suit your goals

  • Handle any transactions securely within Novlr

Regular engagement:

  • Share your work on a schedule that suits you

  • Gain insights into what content resonates with your readers

  • Consider creating serialized stories or ongoing series

Feedback and growth:

  • Receive comments or feedback on your published pieces

  • Gather reader opinions through simple polls or surveys

  • Track how your work is being received

Streamlined process:

  • Write, edit, and share all in one place

  • Easily adapt your Novlr drafts for newsletter content

  • Keep your writing projects and shared work organized together

Audience growth:

  • Discover tools to help new readers find your work

  • Explore options for readers to share your content with others

  • Connect with fellow Novlr writers for mutual support

This feature would expand Novlr's toolkit, supporting your writing journey in whatever direction you choose to take it.

Better word count calculation
  • Better standardisation between Novlr and either Google Docs or Word
  • More accurate word counts for languages other than English. Chinese is a good example of this; 谢谢你 are three characters, but Novlr currently counts them as one word
Markdown overrides
Under consideration

Some writers prefer markdown shortcuts not to override their selections. Examples include - and * both creating bullet points automatically when used at the beginning of a line.

Custom shortcuts

Create custom navigation shortcuts by using symbols in chapter titles and text.

An example could be ~CHARACTER-NAME~ being used as a custom tag for filtering by character or !EDIT being used as a filter for something that still needs work.

Book formatting tool
Under consideration

Vellum-style book formatting feature that allows self-published writers get their books ready for publication in both print and ebook formats.

This would include all elements of book formatting, from front and back matter, to image flair and typography.

Custom goals

Our plans are to create more custom goals that can be set both account-wide, and on a per-chapter or project basis. These goals could include to following:

  • Set a target project word count with a visual percentage tracker to see how close you are to that goal
  • Goals for a set time you’d like to write, instead of a word count goal
  • Set a specific target date for project completion
  • Set a checklist of custom targets
  • Community shareable goals
  • Breakdown word count goals by time so you know how many daily words you have to write in x amount of time to achieve them
  • Set word count goals on a per-chapter basis
  • Include weekly and yearly global goals alongside our current daily and monthly

Let us know what goals are important to you and whether there are additional goal types you'd like to see added in future.


Introduce footnote and bibliography support

Offline app
Under consideration

Create a native app that allows for Novlr to be used completely offline.

Another suggestion is to have it as a portable installation file that can be downloaded and installed on a thumb drive.

Move and store files
Under consideration

Currently all chapters are stored and tied to a single project. This would decouple these files from projects and allow them to be moved and archived as standalone documents. This could include:

  • Moving chapters and notes between projects
  • Having a central document repository for files that don’t fit in a specific project
  • Tag files based on the subject (i.e. worldbuilding, scenes, ideas, writing snippets, etc) that can be filtered from the dashboard, no matter what project they appear in
  • Click and drag documents between chapters and notes
Plotting tools
Under consideration

Include more tools in Novlr for the planning and developmental stages of writing by introducing plotting tools. Possible implementation could include:

  • Inbuilt template loading
  • Plot grids
  • Corkboard
  • Mindmapping
  • Timeline builder
  • Click and drag card view

Let us know what your ideal plotting workspace looks like inside Novlr!

Writing progress emails

See your weekly writing progress and have it sent directly to your inbox.

App themes
Under consideration

Different people have different needs from their workspace, so some writers might like to have their Novlr look slightly different to the default. We likely won't make Novlr fully customisable, as this would go against our aim to be distraction-free; however, there are some simple measures we could take to make Novlr more unique for different tastes and needs:

  • change the colour of the app based on preset themes
  • bring back evening mode
  • lower/higher contrast options for text on the dashboard and in-app
  • let writers choose from different preset header images on the dashboard
Publish through Novlr
Under consideration

Lots of writers want to build their audience and potentially earn money from their writing. We'd like to be able to facilitate that.

We've looked at a new product called Novlr Audience in the past, which is all about letting writers share their work, integrated with Novlr. It could include blog-style publishing, as well as serialised publishing through substack-style newsletters and let writers monetise their writing on their own terms outside of the current self-publishing system.