Better word count calculation
Sep 11, 2024
- Better standardisation between Novlr and either Google Docs or Word
- More accurate word counts for languages other than English. Chinese is a good example of this; 谢谢你 are three characters, but Novlr currently counts them as one word
I will type some words, and not like them, and then they'll "count" as words. Counting words that I practically instantely delete being counted doesn't give me a true word count for a session.
It sounds like you might be mixing up words written with word count. They are calculated differently.
If you delete words right after writing them, they still count as words written, because whether you like them or not, you still wrote them.
Your word count is how many words you have in your chapter of project total. It will go up when you add words, and go down if you delete them.
We keep these numbers separated precisely for the reason you've outlined; so that you can choose which data is important to you.