Nested chapters will be assigned the same number when they're first created in succession. This resets to correct if a chapter is reordered, but will remain incorrectly numbered if not.
Nested chapters will be assigned the same number when they're first created in succession. This resets to correct if a chapter is reordered, but will remain incorrectly numbered if not.
The chapter I'm working on keeps moving. It always places itself between chapters 1 and 2, no matter how many times I put it back where it's supposed to be. I'm using Firefox on Android.
I think something happened right after this(see screenshot), because I’ve since written up to half of Chapter 13
I am writing in Croatian and since the font used in the editor does not have the letters specific to our language (čćšđž), a substitute font for this letters is used, making the text look a bit ugly. Can you use the Latin Extended-A version of the font that includes all the characters used by most languages that write in Latin script? Novlr currently uses the Merriweather font (sans) and as far as I can see, it has Latin Extended-A (Google fonts).
If I add a nested chapter and give it a title and even a synopsis, and then move on to another nested chapter, when I reopen/reload the page they are blank. I have to rewrite both title and synopsis and try refreshing just to be sure they stayed.
When blocks of text have comments applied, and comments are deleted, in some cases, the highlighting stays, even though they are no longer connected to a comment.
Sometimes, chapter titles will randomly reset to either their untitled or default import state.
When clicking on a primary chapter to import, the most likely use case is in order to import that chapter nested. Currently it imports as a new primary chapter rather than as a nested chapter, as expected.
In some cases, when there is a comment assigned to a formatted title in a .docx file, our importer will not recognise this as a chapter title. Instead of splitting it, the text will be added to the chapter that came before it.
Analytics can sometimes jump wildly requiring a manual recalculation on a case-by-case basis. We are looking at the underlying issue and making steps to improve this.
There is no padding around the text on share links that are viewed on mobile devices.
Import is very slow, especially with large documents. We need to investigate why this is, and/or give some kind of "working in background" notification.
Not all device-native keyboard shortcuts work with Novlr on Windows devices. If you have experienced this, please let us know what shortcuts you use regularly that aren't compatible so we can investigate.
This issue is caused when writers have an older version of Novlr stored in their browser than the one that is currently live. We've added the ‘Refresh to the latest version’ popup for when we push a new release that will stop this from happening.
The PWA integration conflicts with those who use the PWA browser extension, and the add-to-dictionary feature doesn't currently work.
Text copied and pasted from Google Docs and into Novlr, has strange formatting on export, often with lines that appear through the text.
Nested chapters constantly re-open, even after you’ve closed them as soon as you do some kind of task, like create a new chapter, or navigate to a different page.
When text with a comment is copied and pasted it still shows the comment highlight but the comment is not duplicated in the comments panel.
This should either: